All the information contained on this website is from Jean's personal correspondence with his patrons & family,
collated by Noel and Rachael Orval.
With a bequest of 500
pounds from John Moore,
St Mary's Church, Yarram
was built at the request of
Bishop Phelan, who laid
the foundation stone in
October 1915.
He also opened and blessed
the completed building in
which cost in the vicinity of
4000 pounds.
In 1960, Father E. Hynes
instigated new ways of
raising Parish finances and
invested in many locally
skilled post-war migrants
with the church extensions
and the commissioning of Jean, in 1964, to create the entrance window with a bequest from the Sweeney family.
The window depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph transcends the traditional Byzantic style that signifies Jean's iconic creations, yet has an underlying uniqueness that borders on the mosaic.
Many months were spent on this fusion of style and is unique in composition by its complex structure and symmetry.
"The Nativity, The Betrayal & The Resurrection"
Christ Church Anglican Church, Drouin, Victoria - 1973
"Saints Matthias, Barnabas, Thomas, Jude, Simon & Matthew"
Christ Church Anglican Church, Drouin, Victoria - Through various stages of 1970s
"Jesus, Mary & Joseph"
St Mary's Catholic Church, Yarram, Victoria - 1964
"The Holy Trinity"
St Mary's Catholic Church, Yarram, Victoria - 1964
"St Luke"
St John's Anglican Church,
Bairnsdale, Victoria - 1970
Mr Charles Alsop of Emerald wrote
Jean in January of 1970 requesting
a memorial window in St John’s
Anglican Church, dedicated to his
parents Charles James &
Ruby Christabel.
Mr Alsop stated that “My father was
a doctor in the town for 50 years and
my mother an ardent social and church
worker. We thought St Luke may be
included in the design.”
Jean sent through some designs of St Luke however the Bishop wished to make comments as such “… the actual design seems fairly good but the figure itself appears to be unbalanced, leaning to the right. This seems due to either the position of the left knee or the right shoulder.” Jean made the necessary adjustments and wrote Mr Alsop’s sister, Phyllis Murphy of Malvern that “it sounds as if the Bishop wants to give some comments while it is pretty clear that he is not sure of anything. He might be the best Bishop in Australia, but as an art critic, he will not make the grade. Why does people in charge always try to make comments, no matter how and for what reason. The window will be praised like always when it is completed.”
On April 4, Arch Deacon McDonald wrote jean that “the formalities have been completed and I have informed Mrs Murphy that she may commission you to undertake the work. The Bishop tells me that he knows and appreciates your work.”
The work was completed in the first week of June but it wasn’t until August 15 when installation could proceed. A dedication service was held the following day, Red Cross Sunday.
Mr Alsop wrote, “There were 20 members of the Alsop family present and I have been asked to pass onto you our appreciation of your very fine workmanship. The window was admired by all and we wish to sincerely thank you for your help.” Jean replied, “It was easy and also a pleasure to work for you, which I can not say always, but certainly this time. To know that you and the members of the Alsop family feel happy with my work makes it more valuable to me.”
"The Baptism
of our Lord"
Holy Trinity Anglican Church,
Stratford, Victoria - 1969
Jean was first
approached by
Reverend Michael
Purtell of the Holy
Trinity Anglican
Church, Stratford
in late 1968
concerning the
of 2 stained
glass windows.
Jean went to Stratford to meet the Vestry members on October 16, 1968 but it wasn’t until January 3, 1969 that Reverend Purtell wrote to say that “The Vestry felt that they should make a decision about who should supply the window before designs were asked for” … a rare first in the commissioning of ecclesiastical windows.
In February, Reverend Purtell took up residence in Leongatha and the new Reverend, Peter Farrington wrote on March 5, 1969 to say that the first window should be of the “Baptism of our Lord”, in memory of Andreas Jorgensen and the second window of “Ruth” in memory of Alice Louise Fiske.
Jean expedited some designs and Reverend Farrington said that “the donor family are very pleased with it and leave all interpretation of colours etc to you. The Vestry and Parish Council also were pleased with it.”
The windows were installed on Saturday, November 1 and a dedication service was held on the next weekend. The church had 139 people at the service and “the members of the Fiske family were very pleased with “Ruth” and the majority of the congregation appreciated your interpretation in stained glass.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church,
Stratford, Victoria - 1969
All Saints Anglican Church,
Poowong, Victoria - 1967
Jean was first
approached by
Mrs F. T. Barton
Secretary) of
the Building
Committee of
All Saints
Poowong on
March 17, 1966,
concerning a memorial window in their new church.
Scant progress was made for months as the Building Committee wasn’t sure what designs
would be appropriate. Jean visited Poowong on October 12, 1966 to show the Building
Committee photos and a film of his work and what was involved in making stained glass
from scratch. The new church was started in March of 1967 and the expected finishing
date was in July.
Jean sent in a design for a simple Celtic Cross which was finally approved by the Bishop
of Gippsland on May 9. Exact measurements were received on June 9 so Jean could
start the window in earnest. The window was completed and installed on July 29 and a
dedication service was held on August 19, 1967.
Mr P. J. Hall wrote Jean that “We would like to extend to you an invitation to attend the
ceremony and look forward to the pleasure of your company on that day.” Jean however,
couldn’t attend as he had to install windows at Inglewood but Jean said “In my spirit I will
be with you at the dedication. The symbol of our combined spirits is left on your church
wall for many decades to come.”
Reverend David Farlie wrote Jean on September 9, 1968 concerning another window
for All Saints Anglican, Poowong. Jean was away in Europe at the time, but on his return
he came to see Reverend Farlie in late October and sent in a quote in November. Circumstances changed the ensuing year and it wasn’t until September 1969 that Jean sent in a design for “The Good Samaritan”. New Honourable Secretary Peter Hall wrote in November 1969 that “the Vestry and the donors ask you to submit a fresh design, more in keeping with the story and the times of which Jesus spoke … dissatisfaction has been expressed with your design”. Many problems were pointed out about Jean’s window and in a reply letter to Mr Hall, Jean said “This is the third time one of my designs are criticised by a Church of England Vestry in Australia, in this way. After a lot of correspondence I received apologies, for which I don’t give a dime, because they come just as cheap as criticism.”
Progress was again pedestrian, and it wasn’t until July 21, 1970 that everybody was finally happy with Jean’s depiction.
A dedication service was held and later Mr Hall wrote, “We would like to thank you for a window that is a credit to you, and a window that we are proud of.” The Vestry Committee decided that the original quotation of $320 was inadequate and they decided to give him $400, “hoping it meets with your satisfaction.”
"The Good Samaritan"
All Saints Anglican Church,
Poowong, Victoria - 1970
"I Am The True Vine & The Bread Of Life"
Christ Church Anglican Church, Drouin, Victoria
- Circa 1970-80s
"Saints Peter, James & John"
Christ Church Anglican Church, Drouin, Victoria - 1975
"Saints Philip, Andrew, Bartholomew"
Christ Church Anglican Church, Drouin, Victoria - 1975
Jean was sought for many commissions in the Christ Church, Drouin throughout the 1970s and 1980s which culminated in 16 compositions for the church.
The first windows to be fitted into the church were "The Nativity, The Betrayal and The Ressurection" which were commissioned in 1973 and are situated on the North East wall. This triple window was dedicated to the memory of the Higgs Family donated by William L. and Priscilla Kraft.
The next 2 windows were "The Bread Of Life" in memory of Marjorie Anne Roberts, died 1977, and "I Am The True Vine" in memory of Graham Don Roberts, died 1951, the gift of Don Roberts. When Rachael and I travelled to Drouin on Friday, June 22, 2012 we were surprised to find these windows as there wasn't any correspondence in Jean's records pertaining to these commissions.
The next set of 3 windows were of Saints Peter, James & John which are situated in the Nave. These are dedicated to the memory of Doris Rose Mallett died 11/12/73, aged 74 years.
Shortly thereafter followed Saints Philip, Andrew and Bartholomew, dedicated to the memory of the Women Workers, a gift from the Women's Fellowship.
Further to this was St Thomas, a tribute to Fred Armstrong, parish Treasurer/Secretary 1931-1979; St Matthias, a gift of the Forrest family; St Barnabas, in memory of Charles Woodhouse Bradley; St Matthew, in memory of Will and Edith Cawcutt; St Simon, in memory of Herbert Gardener 1906-1977 and St Jude, in memory of Reta L. Mason 3/11/00 - 7/4/1948, loving wife and mother.
While Jean and his sons were visiting Drouin for measuring and installation purposes, Canon and
Mrs Gibson kindly offered accommodation and meals for the duration of their visits. Jean found
them to be extremely gracious and hospitable and thoroughly enjoyed his time with the Gibsons.
As a parting gesture, Jean presented Canon and Mrs Gibson with this crucifix "with gratitude" in
January of 1976. They then presented it to Christ Church in 2006 when they
moved to Bairnsdale. Thanks sincerely to Rosemary for providing these
photographs for us.
When Rachael and I visited Christ Church on June 22, 2012, we were met by
the wardens and respective members of the committee and archivists of
the church. They generously gave their time, knowledge and hospitality
and were only too happy to assist us in our research by treating us to a
early morning tea of scones and refreshments. We would especially like
to thank Iris, Amy, Tanya and Rosemary for their kindness during our
stay and we are extremely appreciative of their enthusiasm and
input to help us with our cause. It made us happy that we had
found a congregation that is deeply proud of their church and
Jean's stained glass windows.
We would also like to thank Dr Bronwyn Hughes, stained glass
historian and consultant. We gratefully acknowledge her valuable
contribution and input.
The Reverend Canon Amy Turner, Rachael and Noel with the Crucifix that Canon and Mrs Gibson donated to the church in 2006. The congregation have constructed a quiet corner for reflection where candles
can be lit for prayers.
Noel with
Canon Ted Gibson & wife Annabel.
The Harvest Thanksgiving service in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the dedication of Jean's first three windows in Christ Church
- Sunday, March 3, 2013.
The second panel that was given
to Canon and Mrs Gibson of
Madonna & Child - 1972.
A Thanksgiving service was held to mark the 40th anniversary of the dedication of Jean's first windows at Christ Church - The Nativity, The Betrayal and The Resurrection.
We were delighted to be in attendance and be able to catch up with Canon Gibson and wife Annabel who were present. This is an excerpt of his speech on this Thanksgiving Morning Service -
"The idea of stained glass came to the fore and as Christ Church is the name of the Church, a triptych of the high windows featuring the life of Christ - his Birth, Resurrection and Ascension, was chosen.
"Two parishes in Gippsland had windows made by Jean Orval - St John's, Bairnsdale and Poowong. We found out from the diocese where his studio was and so two parish councillors, Fred Armstrong and Noel Housden drove me to Hamilton to meet him and to see something of his work in progress. As a result he was given the commission for the very first stained glass windows in Christ Church - which were dedicated 40 years ago - with much fanfare and with a pleasant Sunday afternoon to cap off the day.
"As a result of this beginning and the adding of lovely coloured glass to the church, agitation slowly began, to have the 12 windows in the body of the church added, and Mr Orval was given the task based on the 12 Apostles - our Lord's closest band of followers who spent three years with him in His earthly ministry.
"Three of the Apostles' windows were dedicated on my last Sunday as your Rector on February 1, 1976 and Mr Orval presented Annabel and me with a crucifix on a wooden base and stained glass figure, in appreciation of the hospitality we had given at the Rectory whilst he and his helper were installing the windows which enabled them to focus on the work rather than knock off to prepare meals or go to the pub. I might add that we enjoyed their company and learnt a great deal in the process. They were easy to host, being grateful for anything done for them and fitted in easily.
"The Orval crucifix is now at Christ Church as Annabel and I gave it in 2006 when we moved to Bairnsdale so that it could be with Jean's other works. Prior to that it had always hung in my study wherever we were in our ministry.
"I know from my talks with Mr Orval that he sourced the glass for the Higgs' window from Europe. So we are fortunate to have so many of his windows (17 in all) in this church and it is good to have members of the Orval family here today and I am glad that they are making a permanent record of his life and work."
Once again, Rachael and I give special thanks to Rosemary for her enormous help and for keeping us informed about what is happening in the church concerning Jean's windows. Christ Church is extremely fortunate and proud to have someone like Rosemary who keeps the history of the church alive for future generations to come.