All the information contained on this website is from Jean's personal correspondence with his patrons & family,
collated by Noel and Rachael Orval.

National Trust
Designed by William Wardell,
the first section was completed
in 1870 with additions made in
1915-1916, then designed by
W. B. Tappin.
On May 30, 1968, Jean was
commissioned for repairs to some existing windows in the church, including 2 leadlights. These commissions led to further work, requested by the Reverend Downes in 1970.
After numerous alterations to designs and sketches, Jean was finally given the go ahead on October 10, 1970 to proceed with new windows - "The Eucharist" and "The Baptism".
The request was then extended to Jean that these new windows be completed by November 15 "as the windows are being presented in memory of an outstanding parishioner and the windows are expected to be in for the centenary".
The windows were installed on November 11, 1970 in time for the dedication, however without an inscription which was requested once the windows were installed.
Jean was commissioned in
1973 for a window in the old
weatherboard Uniting Church
in Curdie Street for the Kerr family.
The top depicts a sailing ship
symbolic of the pioneers, the centre
panel shows wheat reminding of
those who cultivated the virgin bush
and the bottom panel shows a book,
the printed world relating to the local work of the Kerr family.
The dedication for the window was on Sunday, December 9, 1973, however Jean was unable to attend the ceremony.
Reverend David Fotheringham said at the dedication, with about 16 members of the Kerr family present, that the Kerr family printed the Cobden Times in the early part of the 20th century. They were associated with the Church also Sunday School teachers and choir members.
Reverend Fotheringham said that "Australia had been enriched by people from Europe who brought special skills and craftsmanship in their family tradition. Such is Mr J. Orval, designer and maker of the window." Reverend Fotheringham corresponded with Jean concerning the window and expressed that the dedication was a "splendid service and all comments were most favourable. The Kerr family are highly delighted with your window. I am only sorry you were not present to receive the praise of the people."
Mr Fotheringham suggested that Jean would be welcome any time in Cobden to "meet more of our people after all the favourable comments passed last Sunday."
The foundation stone was laid in 1863 but it wasn’t until October 21, 1866
that the church was opened. The church was finally consecrated on April 16,
1882 by the Bishop of Melbourne – Right Reverend James Moorhouse.
Tragically, fire gutted the church in January 1940 and within the year, a new
church was constructed.
Jean did many repairs for insurance assessors in this church but also completed
many of his own creations as well.
Jean made 7 separate windows plus the Stations of the Cross on opaline glass.
The windows are St Philip, St Thomas, St Matthew and St Andrew, plus St Peter,
Mary - Our Lady of Walsingham (the title derived from the belief that Mary appeared
to Richeldis de Faverches, a devout English nobleman in 1066 in the village of Walsingham in Norfolk, England), and St John.
The Stations of the Cross were commissioned in 1974 and donated by Mrs Keppich-Arnold.
Classified: National Trust
Designed by Ballarat
architect Henry R. Caselli
in the early English
Gothic style, the church
was opened in 1878.
Quotes and sketches were
received by the Reverend
Warwick Willows and on
December 12, 1981, Jean was
given authorisation to construct
the window of St Vincent de Paul
in memory of Rolland Tatlock.
The Lord Bishop of Ballarat approved the sketches with little alterations and the window was installed in July 1982.
Father Willows expressed "his personal gratitude and that of the congregation. Your ability is indeed a blessing and I hope that the window will bring blessings to many who look upon it." Father Willows conducted the dedication on July 19, 1982.
The other window in Christ Church is that of "The Nativity", in loving memory of George & Ethel Scholfield and Geoffrey Guy. This window was was dedicated in 1973.
Classified: National Trust
The largest and most complete Norman
style church in Victoria, built in 1862-1864
in the design of Ballarat architect C. D.
Cuthbert with many alterations throughout
the years.
Jean was commissioned in November 1970 by Dr and
Mrs W. L. Sloss of Ballarat, for a window of
"St Luke" commemorating their mother and father.
Jean and Mrs Jean Sloss had to wait some months for the church authorities
to approbate the windows with Jean saying that "I hope they will not keep us
waiting too long. I am anxious to start because this window will not be a
conventional one, and I get seldom a chance to make a window like this."
Once approved, the Sloss' wished to have the Reverend Goddard perform the
dedication but arrangements were difficult because he preached in Melbourne.
At the time it wasn't church tradition to have the window installed and then
have a dedication at a later date, but finally all went ahead on Saturday,
September 11, 1971 and the Sloss family agreed it was "a beautiful window
made by a master craftsman."
Donor, Mrs Graeme
Dowling and the Rev
Herde visited Jean's
studio in Rippon Road in
July 1966 to view some
of the pieces that Jean
was working on.
They were both "most
pleased" and commissioned
Jean to complete a window
of "Corpus Christi" in
memory of Graeme Dowling
and Graeme Norman
Dowling. This window was
the first to be inaugurated
into the newly built church.
Again after numerous
alterations to small details,
the window was completed
and the dedication went
forward as planned. Mrs
Dowling wrote Jean and said
"The dedication service on
Sunday was both beautiful
and moving. Many compliments
were paid to your window.
It was both a safe and happy day for me."
Jean had also written to Reverend Herde of this work that "I wonder if there will be any window in any of the churches in Ballarat, that would be more colourful than this window for St Matthew's will be. The purples in the background make it majestic and the sample lines give it the serenity and power. I am very pleased with what I have achieved." Over 300 hours of labour went into this window from start to finish.
Reverend Herde said at the unveiling, "When I commissioned the artist I said to him, 'When I stand as a priest at the altar celebrating the Holy Eucharist, I want people to learn and see beyond my person and to understand that it is actually Christ Himself who is the true celebrant present.'"
In 1970, Jean was requested by donor Mrs Betty Glover to compile some designs depicting "The Good Shepherd." Mrs Glover also had some designs drawn by another artist, Mr Kellock, but she settled on Jean's as more pertinent to her wishes. She was extremely pleased with the end result and said "We think the window is very beautiful."
The last window that Jean constructed for the church depicted "Christ the King", in memory of Ellen Agnes Wilson in 1970 and stands proudly alongside "The Good Shepherd."
Classified: National Trust
Designed in French Gothic
appearance, the Bluestone
church was erected in 1864
with alterations in 1894 and
a spire in 1955.
Jean was first approached for a memorial window in August 1966 for the late Canon and Mrs W. E. Moorhouse who were both tragically killed in a car accident and much loved by their parishioners.
Again the powers that be were not completely satisfied with Jean's sketches because they could not differentiate between the colouring on the sketches and the final window.
Then on April 12, 1967, a tentative order was placed for Jean's design by Reverend Arthur Rutter, but still a full sized cartoon had to be placed in the window for two weeks so the congregation could also give their views on the piece.
On September 4, their Vestry meeting concluded that the window would be designed and be ready for the dedication service on Sunday, November 19. Arthur Rutter said "That we look forward to seeing the work done as one of your own signed windows. Already the Vestry talk about it as the "Orval Window".
Many of Canon Moorhouse's relatives attended the service which was conducted by Bishop Robert.
Jean was commissioned by the
Reverend Gilmour for the window
of "Mary & Child" in 1964, through
donor Miss Ann Ferrier.
This window was installed on November
21, 1964 with the dedication on the
following day by Miss Ferrier's brother's
Another window titled "Proverb" was also completed in 1964
as a memorial for David and Christina Kelso. It was dedicated
just before Christmas by the Reverend Gilmour.
Jean Nash and her family petitioned the window and expressed to Jean "how pleased we are with the
memorial window. You are to be complimented upon the excellence of your art in the medium of
stained glass, and in the way you carried out the theme which we suggested. The window has been
very much admired and certainly beautifies the church."
1967 brought forth a window "Ruth" dedicated to the Pioneer Guild Families and also "St Andrew",
dedicated to the Pioneer Families.
Classified: National Trust
Buttressed brick church built
on the “Murndal” estate in
1881 to the design of
Frederick Wyatt.
Jean was commissioned for a
memorial window for William
Lempriere Winter Cooke in late 1979 by the Winter Cooke family.
The window was unveiled in a joint dedication service on January 20, 1980 by Commander Dacre Smyth, R.A.N.
The dedication was then presented by the Bishop of Ballarat, Right Reverend John Hazlewood.
The church was filled to capacity with 115 people attending and later had tea at "Murndal", the family property of the Winter Cookes.
Sam Winter Cooke described the window "as such a magnificent work of art."
The small weatherboard church in the
Western District of Victoria is the home
of 8 windows designed by Jean.
In 1968, Mrs Bambrick commissioned Jean
for 3 little windows, "Faith, Hope & Charity"
in loving memory of her husband Mr Allen
These windows sit pride of place as one
walks in the front door of the church. Mrs
Bambrick wrote Jean and said "she went up
to the church about 7pm and the windows
looked even lovelier in the dark. They
showed up so beautifully. I am very happy
with them and do thank you most sincerely
for your help and all the work you put into
The "St David and the Cross" windows were
also commissioned in 1968 and sit loftily
above the altar.
Mrs Austin of "Willaroo" wrote about the
"St David" windows: "The Guild asked me to
write and tell you how very delighted the
members are with the windows you have
just completed for our little church. We also
wish to thank you for all the trouble you took
and for giving us much finer windows than
we thought possible with our limited funds."
The "St Andrew" window was donated to
the church in 1970 in memorial of John and
Charlotte Moodie (Wando Dale) and Walter
and Grace Edgar (Woodcares).
After the dedication, Mrs Edgar wrote Jean to express "We are very
pleased with the window. In fact think it is so very beautiful and are
particularly pleased with the Glasgow City coat of arms - it is very
well done."
The last window to go in was "The Good Shepherd" in memory of
John and Frances B. Speirs, who settled at "Satimer" in 1906. Mr and
Mrs Speirs wrote Jean and said "although it was overcast and dull
outside yesterday, our window was quite bright and looked very good."
Catholic Church
of the Infant Jesus,
Koroit, Victoria - 1970
Catholic Church
of the Infant Jesus,
Koroit, Victoria - 1970
"Kerr Memorial"
Cobden Uniting Church,
Cobden, Victoria - 1973
Jean was commissioned for a
double window to grace St Paul's
Anglican, Caramut in early 1962.
St Paul" which was installed above
the entrance on the east side fronting
the Hamilton Highway.
The Honourable Secretary, Ian Wesley,
wrote that "the Vicar and congregation wish to convey their thanks and appreciation for your skill and co-operation in the erection of the new window and the re-leading and renovation of our window above the altar."
"St Paul & St Peter"
St Paul's Anglican Church,
Caramut, Victoria - 1961
Jesus is condemned to death.
Jesus falls the first time.
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross.
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
Jesus falls the second time.
Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
Jesus falls the third time.
Jesus is stripped of His garments.
Jesus is nailed to the cross.
Jesus' body is removed from the cross.
Jesus is laid in the tomb and covered with incense.
"St Thomas, St Philip, St Andrew, St Matthew, St Peter, Mary our Lady of Walsingham, St John"
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Ararat, Victoria - 1973
"St Vincent de Paul"
Christ Church
Anglican Church,
Hamilton, Victoria - 1982
"The Nativity"
Christ Church
Anglican Church,
Hamilton, Victoria - 1973
"St Luke"
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Ballarat, Victoria - 1971
"Corpus Christi"
St Matthew's Anglican Church,
Wendouree, Victoria - 1966
"Christ The King"
St Matthew's
Anglican Church,
Wendouree, Victoria - 1970
"The Good Shepherd"
St Matthew's
Anglican Church,
Wendouree, Victoria - 1970
"The Good Shepherd"
St Paul's Anglican Church,
Camperdown, Victoria - 1967
In the opinion of craftsmen and restorers of stained glass, the collection of 15 windows at St Paul's is the finest set of glass outside the city of Melbourne. They are a signficant cultural heritage to the nation, state of Victoria and to Camperdown.
"Christ the Good Shepherd was designed and signed by Jean Orval in 1967. Orval was born in the Netherlands where he studied art and stained glass before settling in Australia in 1953. He brought with him the tradition of the 'European Modernist Movement'. Orval is one of the most important post-war stained glass artists in Australia" - Geoffrey Wallace of Geoffrey Wallace Stained Glass of Melbourne.
"Mary & Child"
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Coleraine, Victoria - 1964
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Coleraine, Victoria - 1964
"St Andrew"
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Coleraine, Victoria - 1967
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Victoria - 1967

National Trust
Constructed in 1861-1862, at the
time it was described as “a perfect
model of a country church.”
Jean was commissioned in 1964 for
a memorial window dedicated for
Mr Lionel James Weatherly, entitled
"A Good Man Leaveth An Inheritance."
Lionel was educated at Cumloden School, St Kilda, and Trinity Hall,
Cambridge (1904 - 1908). On his return to Australia in 1909, his father gave
him ownership of the major part of Woolongoon at Mortlake, Victoria, and
the lease of the balance, and in 1910 he took over the management of two
other properties. As well as running his own flock (25,000 strong in 1915),
he worked for the Red Cross, supervised properties for enlisted owners and
was president of the local repatriation committee. After the war he
donated two farms (888 acres, 359 ha) for soldier settlement and voluntarily
sold nearly 16,000 acres (6475 ha) to the Closer Settlement Board to provide
another 46 farms.
Involved in numerous local activities, he was a member (1919-26) and
president (1922-23) of the Mortlake Shire Council, but was forced to retire
due to ill health. A committee-member of Mortlake hospital, he was also
involved in the formation of the rural fire brigade and had other interests
in the Wool Growers' Council, the Pastoralists' Association, Polwarth
Sheepbreeders' Association and had a keen interest in thoroughbred racing,
being a member of the Victoria Racing Club and Camperdown Turf Clubs.
"A Good Man ..."
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Mortlake, Victoria - 1965
"Agony In The Garden"
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Penshurst, Victoria - 1961
"Mother & Infant Jesus"
St Andrew's
Uniting Church,
Penshurst, Victoria - 1961
Original Sketch of windows in St Andrew's Uniting Church, Penshurst
- Private Collection, Penshurst, Victoria
Classified: National Trust
A Bluestone church constructed
in 1865.
Jean was assigned to complete these windows in 1961, soon after the dedication of "The Nativity" in St Mary's Catholic Church in Hamilton.
Jean was most pleased with these windows as he was given great liberty to let his artistry take hold and his creative side come forth.
These 2 memorial stained glass windows were the gift of Mrs C. B. Cook in memory of her parents Arthur and Sara Holland.
The windows, which depict the Beginning and the End are 10' high with a nativity scene on one and the figure of Christ praying in the garden of Gethsemane immediately prior to his arrest and trial.
The dedication ceremony filled the church to capacity and the guest soloist was Ms Gaye Waller of Warrnambool who is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Holland.
"Winter Cooke Memorial"
St Peter's Anglican Church,
Tahara, Victoria - 1980
"Faith, Hope & Charity"
St David's Uniting Church, Nareen, Victoria - 1968
"St David"
St David's Uniting Church, Nareen, Victoria - 1968
"St Andrew"
St David's
Uniting Church,
Nareen, Victoria - 1970
"The Good Shepherd"
St David's Uniting Church,
Nareen, Victoria - 1970
"St Peter - I Will Make Thee Fishers Of Men"
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Victoria - 1965
National Trust
Built in 1907-1909 of
Bluestone with dressings
of Mt Abrupt Freestone,
to the design of the Ballarat
architects Clegg and Miller.
Jean was commissioned in
1965 for a window in St Andrew's
as a memorial for William and
Elizabeth Black.
This window was entitled "St Peter - I Will Make Thee Fishers Of Men" and stood a massive 20 feet by 3 feet wide and took the best part of 8 weeks to complete.
One of Jean's earliest
commissions in Australia was of
a bas relief for St Augustine's
School at Creswick in 1959.
Showing up Jean's many artistic
qualities apart from stained glass,
this piece was constructed for a
little niche in the school that
would be exposed to the elements.
The building was yet to be finished when Monsignor J. McInerney approached Jean on April 27, 1959 requesting some assistance and ideas about a permanent memorial to St Augustine of Hippo, the patron Saint of Brewers, so named for his conversion from the life of loose living and parties etc, and is an inspiration for those who struggle with a particular vice or habit they long to break.
Jean visited the site and the Monsignor showed him where his relief would be positioned and by late July, the bas relief was finished.
Monsignor McInerney was happy that they were able to take a photo of the school and the art work to put on the front cover of the September issue of "The Light", a christian publication, "and you would have a first class advertisement," he said.
This was one of Jean's great creations which has stood the test of time.

"St Augustine"
Bas relief in glazed baked clay,
St Augustine's Parish Primary School,
Creswick, Victoria - 1959

St James’ Anglican is a wooden church
that was established on land donated by
Mr C. T. Lucas and dedicated by the
Reverend F. Boyling, Vicar of Colac on
August 3, 1913.
The church had an enthusiastic flock of
parishioners who over the years started groups
such as a Youth Group, Hall Committee, a Ladies’ Guild and Sunday School along
with regular meetings and functions that kept the church the focal point of the
area for fellowship and prayer.
During the late 1960s, the church was starting to show signs of wear and tear
so through benefactors and parishioners alike, the church was restored and
rehallowed for worship by the Bishop of Ballarat, the Right Reverend
W. A. Hardie on Sunday, July 26, 1970.
St James’ celebrated its 50th anniversary celebrations on August 4, 1963 and
80th anniversary celebrations on September 26, 1993. However after
secularisation, the church was sold and is now a private residence.
One of the founding families of St James’ was the McGarvie family. Dick
McGarvie (known as R. B.) was the brother-in-law of C. T. Lucas who were both founding members of the church. His family were involved with the church up until the church was secularised by Bishop Michael Hough of Ballarat on April 9, 2006.
In March of 1975, Jean was approached by Nan McGarvie (nee Chapman) and her sister-in-law Nan Walton (nee McGarvie) with the assistance of Reverend Rutter of Camperdown, to commission a window in memory of their mother-in-law and mother Rosalie May McGarvie died 10-6-1966 and their husband and brother, Kenneth William McGarvie died 16-4-1970. Kenneth McGarvie was the grandson of the R. B. McGarvie, founding member, who was tragically taken in a car accident. It was thought that a simple window depicting the symbols of St James, scallop shells, would be appropriate for a small window. Jean worked earnestly, and the window was completed in time for a dedication service in July of 1975. Many people attended the service and thought that the window complimented the church perfectly.
When the church was sold, it took some time for the window to be removed. New framing with backlighting was eventually constructed and the window was reinstalled generously at St Paul’s Anglican Church in Camperdown. The McGarvie family were so pleased at the end result, with the delicate work done sympathetically and thoughtfully by joinery specialist Wayne Hatley of Camperdown. A service of Thanksgiving and rededication of the refurbished roof and stained glass windows at St Paul’s, together with the installation of the memorials from St James', was held on May 16, 2010.
We give many thanks to Kerry McGarvie, whose father and grandmother Jean’s window is dedicated to, for the history of the church and her family. Her knowledge and enthusiasm has enabled us to complete the story of a window that we had only recently discovered.
St James' Anglican Church,
Pomborneit North, Victoria - 1975
Rosalie May McGarvie & Kenneth William McGarvie
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Ararat